Saturday, October 07, 2006

Center of Revitalizing Psychiatry

Are you (or someone close to you) suffering?

Are you in a bad mood for a long period of time (feeling depressed, sad, helpless, hopeless, not motivated, anxious, irritable, having trouble concentrating and organizing your work, sleeping, eating), or having sudden changes in your mood from being hyperactive and irritable (impulsive spending or gambling, having racing thoughts) to being depressed and apathetic? Do you have problems in your sexual life or partner relationships? Do you have a drug or an alcohol addiction?

Do these problems affect your job performance, your relationship with others or your family?

This should not be a constant part of your life! There are several ways to help you to improve and stabilize your mood, to restore and strengthen your self-esteem. It can be done with or without help of psycho-pharmacology using modern types of individual and group psychotherapy, relaxation therapy, acupuncture, and biofeedback therapy.

We know how important it is for you to be heard and understood. Our health care professionals can speak with you in your language (English, Russian - Русский, Spanish – Español, Hindi, Ukrainian - (Украiнский, Hebrew).

Are you a care provider?

If you are a care provider for the elderly such as a Day Care Program, Assisted Living Facility or a Nursing Home, we can provide a complete package of custom-tailored mental health treatment for your clients. We can safely and effectively treat mental illness by focusing on psycho-pharmacological issues from the perspectives of age and age-related disease effects on particular organ systems, taking into account possible drug interactions. Our staff is not only professionally qualified and experienced, but also possesses multilingual abilities and cultural diversity, thus, allowing better avenues for communication and understanding between our staff and our clients.

How we can help you:

We provide unique and high quality psychiatric help including:

* Comprehensive psychiatric assessment.

* Team work approach, including psychiatrists, clinical psychologists and social workers.

* State-of-the-art psycho-pharmacology.

* Psychiatric treatment within a wide spectrum of mental problems including depressive disorder, bipolar disorder (manic depressive disorder or mood instability, mood swings), attention deficit disorder (Adult ADD), psychosis, post-traumatic stress disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, anxiety disorder, anger management, stress management, panic attacks, and sexual dysfunction.

* Substance abuse treatment.

* Solution focused therapy: both individual and group psychotherapy specifically developed for various age groups.

* Family therapy including sex therapy

* Memory loss reversal in early stages of Alzheimer's disease

* Cognitive behavioral therapy: relaxation therapy sessions, deep breathing exercises, etc.

* Biofeedback therapy

* Acupuncture therapy


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